There is a hero!
Sodaba Roustayar flew 20 years later from Afghanistan to the Netherlands. She knows how nice it is to be helped, and therefore now it is her turn to help other people in need. For more info: WWW.DELFTOPZONDAG.NL
Continue reading →Sodaba Roustayar flew 20 years later from Afghanistan to the Netherlands. She knows how nice it is to be helped, and therefore now it is her turn to help other people in need. For more info: WWW.DELFTOPZONDAG.NL
Continue reading →Sodaba Roustayar (links) en enkele collega-vrijwilligers, met achter hen een deel van de ingezamelde goederen. Sodaba (28) weet hoe fijn het is geholpen te worden, dus helpt ze nu anderen DELFT – Sodaba Roustayar vluchtte twintig jaar geleden van Afghanistan naar Nederland. WWW.DELFTOPZONDAG.NL
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