Het was reuze spannend om te gast te zijn bij het Radioprogramma Hellas Pindakaas, vooral omdat de hele show in het Engels was. U kunt naar de uitzending luisteren door op deze link te klikken, veel luisterplezier!
De presentator van Hellas Pindakaas, Nikko schrijft op zijn facebook:
The Aid Caravan to Greece on Hellas Pindakaas – Listen ON DEMAND – This show is in English! Erika Mauritz and Diana Kretschmann, two volunteers that help the refugees in Greece, show the rest of the world what solidarity really means. “Gewone mensen, helpen gewoon”, “everything is possible” and “refugees are human beings and not numbers or statistics” is the three-fold message of the Hulpkaravaan naar Griekenland. It started with one person and one van with aid supplies, and it soon grew into a new vibrant volunteer community across Europe that helps the refugees that are in need in Greece. Listen to the show on demand via the following link and think what you can do to help them out:
Thank you Nikko for having us in your show…